Depression Management

Depression or low mood ?

We often use the word depression when speaking of a low mood due to a life event which has caused emotional discomfort. In reality depression is a debilitating illness which may at some stage need medical treatment. We all have low moods at some time in our life, such as following a bereavement, redundancy or divorce, usually taking time and distance before the symptoms lighten and fade away bringing the individual back to what they feel is normality.

Sometimes this low mood can slip into a depressive state and the individual will need professional support to make a positive change. At the initial assessment session you will be able to discuss with the counsellor your concerns. The counsellor may suggest a visit to your GP to have a diagnosis confirmed, this would not preclude you from having counselling but would be beneficial for the therapeutic process to take place and an opportunity to explore the best way forward for you.

Symptoms for depression:

Loss of interest or pleasure, Sleep disturbances, Change in appetite or weight, Decreased energy, Feeling of worthlessness or guilt, Difficulty in thinking or concentration, Inability to make decisions, Suicidal thoughts, plans or attempts

The symptoms must persist for most of the day and be nearly every day for at least two consecutive weeks. You must have at least four of these additional symptoms to be diagnosed.

Depression symptoms taken from DSM-1V-TR forth ed, pub: 2000

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